• EnergyTouch Healing

    Discover your potential to heal.

    Hold the vision of being healthy and balanced.
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    Create more peace, joy, and balance.

    Awaken your full potential and realize the power within!
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    Would you like to learn how to heal?

    Explore how you can get there.

EnergyTouch Healing

You can learn how the flow of energy in your body creates unbalance. Becoming conscious of where you hold your emotional blocks is important to unleashing stagnate energies that are the real cause of creating pain and dis-ease. You then can begin to heal.

Discovering your healing potential will help you realize the power within. Having this wisdom will take you to a new level of how to see the world. It’s a journey that can bring peace, joy, balance, and many gifts into your life. I invite you to join me in the following pages to discover how to connect to guidance and create a unique journey of healing.

EnergyTouch is a gentle, powerful, non-touching technique that opens the flow of energy through our healing channels. An EnergyTouch Practitioner works in the inner levels and the outer levels of the energy field. By connecting to these outer levels the healer gains access to many tools that can have an important outcome in the physical and emotional health of the client.

Benefits of Energy Healing